Sodium Cyanide Gold Mining

Downstream usage

Global downstream uses include Gold mining (>70%), Methionine, Electroplating, Chelates, Rubber processing chemicals, Vitamin B5, Dyes and Pigments, Pharmaceutical & Chemical Intermediates and Agrochemicals.

The use of sodium cyanide is governed by strict regulation and safety measures. Reach out to us if you are looking into downstream molecules requiring cyanides.

Request a sample

Please feel free to reach out to AnQore to request a sample. Given the dangerous nature of our product, we will thoroughly assess if the product can be handled safely before sending a sample. And in the converstation, we would like to learn how we can help you in the best way possible! 

Geert van Gerwen

Geert van Gerwen

+31 (0)6 108 615 33

Get in touch!

Do you need more information about our sodium cyanide? Get in touch with Geert van Gerwen, our product sales manager.